Dear Friends in Christ:
We have received the message and have taken it to heart. Which message? The one from Jesus that says, “As the Father has sent me so I send you.”
A prayerful look at our parish ministry directory proves that point. The variety of our ministries is inspiring. So is the vitality of these ministries. With selfless dedication, you the parishioners carry on Christ’s work, with the old and with the young, with the faithful and with the struggling, with the glad and with the grieving, with those nearby and with those around the county and around the world. Your work is the work of sent disciples and it is wonderful to behold.
A prayerful consideration of this ministry directory also reveals ways in which Jesus might now be urging you to carry on His work. Our priestly ministries enable people to pray. Our prophetic ministries serve those needing consolation, challenge and faith development. Our kingly ministries build our community. In the best of all worlds, each parishioner would participate in each area of ministry. In our actual world of time constraints and other limits, it is wonderful if each parishioner does whatever she or he can to help fulfill Christ’s hopes.
May this directory enable us to say “Yes” to Christ and glorify God.
Best blessings,
Fr. Hank
Ministries List and Descriptions
Advent Giving Tree, Dianne Speronello
Altar Linens, Anne Riding
Altar & Plant Care
Kim Caridi
Altar Servers, Suzanne Kral
Becca's Friends,
Janet Pescinski
Buildings & Grounds, Dave Mendez
Ministry to Caregivers, Sharon Sweeney
Children's Liturgy of the Word, Natalie Zuccarello
Collection Counters, Bill Houle
Columbiettes, Erica Ruffer
CYM Basketball, Michael Greenstreet
Eucharistic Ministers:
Home Visits, AnnaMaria Realbuto
Senior Residences, Terri Macor
Family Advent Wreaths, Holly Canica
Food Bank Program, Victor Fung
Guatemala Ministry, Kathy Galli
Healing Prayer, Ann Smith
Holy C.H.O.W! Food Truck, Chris & Michelle Laffoon
HOME / Interfaith Hospitality Network, Tina Androulakis
Knights of Columbus, Peter Ciccotelli
Lazarus (Funeral) Ministry, Carol Valone
Lectors, Candy Meyer
Meals Ministry, Linda Mackiw & Myron Mackiw
Music Matt Viola
New Parishioner Welcome Ministry, Gail Bellas
OCIA (formerly RCIA) - Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, Suzanne Kral
Parish Finance Council, Mike Seelig
Pastoral Council, Pam Cunning
Prayer Chain, Kathy Gibson
Prayer Shawls, Betty Zobre, Carol Wetzel
Projection/Multimedia, Chris Gradone
REAC, Ann Harris
Refreshments, Robert & Anita Ciano
Religious Education,
Kelly Craigle
Linda Mackiw
Respect Life, Rachelle Hanna, Carl Panzera
Sacristans, Susan Wund
Saint Vincent De paul Food Pantry, Terry Lee
Social Concerns:
Victor Fung
Annamaria Realbuto
Carlene Thomson
Stations of the Cross, Sharon Liszczak, Ed Yakely
Sunshine Committee
Lois Jerzewski
Tech Ministry
Ushers, Mark Dorrler
Walking With Purpose Women's Bible Study, Suzanne Kral