FINDING GOD from Loyola Press- Use this for planning your Parent-taught lessons. It’s also where you find the Session Review homework.

REVIEW MATERIALS FROM LAST YEAR - Please click on your child’s previous grade below to see that grade’s review sheet

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7


First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

  • A 2-year period of preparation, typically in 1st and 2nd grades

  • Dates for these sacraments will be determined in the fall

    • First Reconciliation will be celebrated in the second half of the year - typically in Lent. Families will sign up for a day where parents and student can receive the sacrament together.

    • First Eucharist is celebrated in the Spring at a Sunday Mass, typically the Sunday before and the Sunday after Mother’s Day.

  • Parent meetings for both sacraments are scheduled during the year


  • The Date for Confirmation will be determined by the Diocese