Purpose: To present the readings and Gospel to the children of the parish in a form that will help them to understand it, pay closer attention and have a bit of fun. Each Sunday at 9:30 Mass the children in grades K-4 are invited to join us in the hospitality room for a children’s version of the readings and prayers which lasts for about 20 minutes. We return to Mass for the Liturgy of the Eucharist (during the Offertory).
Time Commitment: About an hour of prep time during the week (we have outlines to follow for each week and will provide lots of guidance for discussion and activities each week). Sundays from 9:00 am thru the 9:30 Mass. As we have more volunteers this would be on a rotational basis, where you would be assigned to one Sunday every x number of weeks.
Qualifications: Ability to work with children.
Virtus Training & Background Check: Required
Contact: Natalie Zuccarello