Purpose: To teach the Catholic Faith to children and help support parents and families as the primary educators of their children
Time Commitment: Weekly commitment to plan, prepare and teach a class or assist during class time depending on volunteer role.
Qualifications: Love of God and a Love of Children. We can supply the support and the tools. We need people willing to witness their faith to others!
- Catechist/Co-Catechists & Subs: Ability and willingness to teach the Catholic Faith and manage a classroom of children.
- Aide: Ability to assist a teacher in the management of the classroom.
- Attendance Helper: Ability to assist during class time doing various jobs as assigned by the Director of Religious Education.
- Office support: Ability to complete assigned clerical duties either during class time or as arranged.
Virtus Training & Background Check: Required
Contact: Jim Jungels, jjungels@stjosephsparish.com