Purpose: The Parish council is an advisory board to the Pastor on the spiritual and material concerns of St. Joseph Parish. The Parish Council is composed of the Pastor, selected members of the parish staff (ex-officio advisors) and lay members of the parish community. Through consultation, prayer, discernment and consensus, the Parish Council makes recommendations of parish priorities in the parish pastoral life, the continued development of stewardship and evangelization, and the education of all members of the parish family as we seek to be Church in the image of Jesus.
Time Commitment: Members are expected to attend monthly meetings (approximately 1.5 hours.) Additionally, they may be asked to serve on Council committees or advisory groups. They are expected to participate in periodic reports to the Parish and to be visible at designated Parish events. Members are expected to commit to a one, two or three year term.
Qualifications: Members are expected to be active in our faith community, in full communion with the Catholic Church and willing to represent the people, concerns and interests of any and all parishioners.
Virtus Training & Background Check: No
Contact: Nina DeLucia