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Repentance & Renewal: Ignatian Resources for Lent
Last year, you were one of more than 20,000 people who joined the Jesuits of Canada and the United States for our online Lenten prayer program, Igniting Our Values. While we're not offering a Lenten program this year, there are a wide array of online resources for prayer and reflection being produced by the Ignatian family.
Loyola Press presents Lenten Moments of Mercy, a daily email series that delivers reflections based on the Scriptures of Lent, sharing the inspiring words of Pope Francis and suggesting Lenten actions and prayers during this Jubilee Year of Mercy. Sign up to receive the daily messages from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday here.
The Ignatian Solidarity Network is hosting a daily blog called Lift Every Voice: A Lenten Journey Toward Racial Justice to address racism through the lens of Ignatian spirituality and daily readings. It will feature more than 20 writers from the Jesuit network, including Saint Louis University president Fred Pestello, Boston College theologian M. Shawn Copeland and Jesuit Father Fred Kammer, executive director of the Jesuit Social Research Institute at Loyola University New Orleans.
The Apostleship of Prayer, in partnership with Ave Maria Press, invites you to Pray with the Gospels During Lent on its Sacred Reading blog, with daily prayer exercises using the prayer techniques of St. Ignatius Loyola. You can also sign up there to receive daily emails of the blog's content.
Several Jesuit colleges and universities also have Lenten offerings. Creighton University's Praying Lent has daily readings, meditations, reflections and prayers. Creighton's Online Ministries also offers a Lenten audio retreat by Jesuit Father Larry Gillick.
Georgetown University's Lent Daily Devotional offers brief reflections and prayers written by students, faculty, staff and alumni that are sent out by email each morning during Lent. Thousands of people around the world participate in this digital retreat, and you can join in by signing up here.
The College of the Holy Cross has published a daily Lenten reflection booklet,"Return to Me: Lenten Reflections from Holy Cross, 2016," which can be downloaded as a PDF. It contains reflections written by a variety of Holy Cross students, Jesuits, professors, staff and alumni.
Jesuit and Ignatian prayer sites are another great way to pray during, produced by the Midwest Jesuits, offers the daily Scripture, along with an Ignatian prayer for the day and an Ignatian reflection written by Jesuits and lay collaborators. Sacred Space, run by the Irish Jesuits and Loyola Press, also offers daily prayers and reflections. Pray as You Go, by the British Jesuits, has daily audio prayer sessions that you can download, and has a compilation of online retreats, video reflections and articles for the Lenten season.
Finally, for Spanish speakers, pray along en Español with Loyola Press' Recursos cuaresmales and Creighton University's Un Retiro "Online".
Blessings on your Lenten journey,
The Jesuits of Canada and the United States
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